Building Champions
With Character

What We Believe

We believe that the principles and lessons learned in the classroom, at home, and through the local church, can be put into practice through athletics. Because the arena of competition is surrounded with pressure and adversity, therefore, the athlete is tested, and their true character revealed. Consequently, the opportunity for character growth readily presents itself through athletic competition.

The TCS Athlete

We believe all TCS athletes should be diligent in preparation, relentless in effort, respectful in actions, humble in spirit, and aggressive in pursuit of excellence, without regard to the score, opponent, or officials. As Christian athletes grow to display these characteristics, teams are successful, players are motivated, fans are supportive and enthusiastic, and very often non-believers are drawn to Christ.

We’re happy to visit with you on the phone or in person, so we can answer any questions your family might have. Feel free to schedule a meeting with our admissions team at (806) 791-6583 or email Linsey Warshaw, Admissions and Communications Coordinator, at

Schedule a Meeting

Raising The Standard

Our Commitment

Our motto for TCS athletics is “Raising the Standard.” We believe Christians are commanded by Scripture to always do our best. As believers, we are not to waste the talent God has given us by giving anything less than total commitment, through participation and maximum effort. We also believe we should strive to be the best at what we do. Being the best at anything is a worthy and admirable goal of any Christian. Becoming the best may not always be the result of our efforts, but, doing our best must be!

Coaching Standards

Because of our commitment to excellence, coaches at TCS become one of the most important components of our athletic program. Coaches are responsible to model a Christ-like attitude and behavior. Coaches are both a participant and a teacher at the same time. In order to be considered an effective coach and role model, our coaches must be knowledgeable in their sport, prepared, motivating, and able to make adjustments during competition. In short, coaches have a great responsibility and opportunity to mold young lives for Christ.

Athletic Associations

Trinity Christian High School is a member of the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS) and competes as a 4A school.

Hear how Coach Neal is making a difference at Trinity Christian School

Students, coaches, and teachers share their stories on video.

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Click on the following sports to see rosters and schedules.


Boys Basketball

Boys Cross Country


Boys Golf

Boys Tennis

Boys Track and Field



Girls Basketball


Girls Cross Country

Girls Golf



Girls Tennis

Girls Track and Field
